Wednesday, April 14, 2004

There are sports guys out there, of every flavor and disposition. Football guys, basketball guys, baseball guys (and I must admit, I'm kind of a baseball guy myself.)

You've also got your car guys (and I dabble in that one, too, though I really lack the resources to indulge in collecting classic cars, or even indulge in gasoline purchases for my '97 Sentra.) Computer guys -- technology guys -- scare me a little. Was I the only person to see the original Terminator?

My dad was a hunting/outdoorsman guy. My paternal grandfather was a gun guy . . . and a suit guy, strangely enough. He didn't get much of a chance to wear them at the Ridgely City Gin, but he sure bought them in record numbers. (He founded three chapters of Alcoholics Anonymous in West Tennessee . . . his set piece was a hilarious retelling of the time my grandmother found his cache in the attic where he kept the suits, guns, and whiskey he spent his paychecks on, instead of food. She found 31 long guns, 12 handguns, 42 three-piece suits, and 35 bottles of George Dickel.)

My maternal grandfather? DeeDee was a reader. And here's where I am, really. I'm a reader, myself. I'm a book guy. I like to think of myself as an iconoclast, but I'm really just kind of dorky.

I'm a book guy. Favorites to follow, in a later post.